01202 483333
Adding our cladding and envelope details directly to the 3D models produced by our Steel Detailers is a process that allows for brilliant integration of the two disciplines. Detailing and fabrication are also coordinated with our in-house sheet metal facility.
Our envelope solutions are pre-engineered for easy assembly and installation on site. They are designed and detailed precisely, to suit the primary and secondary steel elements and create a full envelope solution . . .
Our team excels in detailing a diverse range of wall and roof cladding systems for a variety of structures. Our comprehensive cladding solutions include rainwater goods, downpipes, flashings, trims, and optional features like ridge vents and fixed louvres. Our modern sheet metal facility produces custom rainwater systems, decorative sheet metal, and precise trims for your façade that have been meticulously detailed in house to ensure a perfect fit.
Plus hurricane & seismic resilient buildings, stadia & grandstands, HVM gates, hospitals, housing, defence structures, car parks . . .
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John Reid & Sons (Strucsteel) Ltd .