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Structural Steel Design & Fabrication

Arun River Bridge - South Asia

Cantilever launch construction over the Arun River.

We designed, fabricate and shipped the steel for this bridge in South

Asia. It provides all season access for over two hundred thousand

people and helps to lift them out of poverty and reduce their reliance

on aid. This new crossing serves seven districts and the construction

was carried out by local contractor Kalika, whilst providing jobs for

local residents.

The geographical location, terrain and quality of roads around

the bridge site made it very difficult for heavy plant construction

vehicles to gain access to the site, something we had to take into

consideration when designing the bridge.

Due to this, and the fact that the Arun River is both fast flowing

and full throughout the year, we decided to use a cantilever launch

method for the erection of the steel truss.

Construction of the bridge took place from either side of the river.

They then incrementally erected the trusses by lifting the individual

steel sections with bespoke gantry cranes until both halves of the

bridge met in the middle.

These gantry cranes were specially designed by us, and shipped with

the steelwork for the bridge.

Ref: 117557-G46

REIDsteel Elements
Structural Design & Detailing .
Primary Steel .
Fabrication .
Packing & Shipping .
Installation Supervision .

Gary Christian • October 30, 2013

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